½Ã°£ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ¿¬ÀÚ
10:20~10:30 °³È¸»ç ÃÖº´¿Á(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë, ´ëÇѽŰæ±ÙÀ°ÁúȯÇÐȸ ȸÀå)
¥°. Things you need to know for best pain management <ÁÂÀå: ¹Ú±â´ö(ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë), ±Ç¿ÀÇö(À»ÁöÀÇ´ë) >
10:30~11:00 Fibromyalgia, polymyalgia rheumatica and other pain mimickers of rheumatologic disease À̽½±â(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë,·ù¸¶Æ¼½º³»°ú)
11:00~11:20 Newly introduced neuropathic pain drugs in Korea
: updated recommendations on neuropathic pain management
11:20~11:40 Nociplastic pain: towards an understanding of prevalent pain conditions Á¶Á¤Èñ(±¹¹Î°Ç°­º¸Çè Àϻ꺴¿ø)
11:40~11:50 Q & A
11:50~12:00 Intermission
12:00~12:20 ÃÑȸ ±è»ó¹ü(°æÈñÀÇ´ë, ´ëÇѽŰæ±ÙÀ°ÁúȯÇÐȸ Ãѹ«ÀÌ»ç)
¥±. Luncheon symposium (Meet the expert series 4) <ÁÂÀå: ÃÖº´¿Á(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë)>
12:20~13:10 Ultrasound application on neuromuscular disease
- Sharing the valuable experiences of expert, from pioneering new fields to actively applying them in clinical practice.
13:10~13:20 Q & A
13:20~13:30 Intermission
¥². Thermoregulatory/vascular disorders related to neuromuscular disease <ÁÂÀå: ÁÖÀμö(¾ÆÁÖÀÇ´ë), ¿ÀÁö¿µ(°Ç±¹ÀÇ´ë)>
13:30~13:50 Thermal regulation and the nervous system ¹Ú±âÈ«(¼­¿ïÀÇ·á¿ø)
13:50~14:10 Cold hands and feet (â¢ðëÕÒñø) : From diagnosis to management (diet recommendation, medications)
- Case based learning
14:10~14:30 Limb edema: from diagnosis to managements (diet recommnedation , medications)
- Case based learning
14:30~14:50 Sensory impairment: You need to also think chronic venous insufficiency ¼Û½ÂÁØ(ÇÏÆ®À£ÀÇ¿ø,ÈäºÎ¿Ü°ú)
14:50~15:00 Q & A
15:00~15:10 Intermission
¥³. Non-pharmacological treatments for neuromuscular disease <ÁÂÀå: ±è½ÂÇö(ÇѾçÀÇ´ë), ±èÁ¾±¹(µ¿¾ÆÀÇ´ë)>
15:10~15:40 Making recommendation of exercise and life style modification in spine disease ¼ÒÀ±¼ö(°æÈñÀÇ´ë, ÀçÈ°ÀÇÇаú)
15:40~16:00 Making recommendation of exercise and life style modification in acquired neuropathies ºÀÁ¤ºó(Á¶¼±ÀÇ´ë)
16:00~16:20 Making recommendation of exercise and life style modification in orthostatic hypotension ±èÁöÀº(ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë)
16:20~16:30 Q & A
16:30~ ÄûÁî Ãß÷ ¹× Æóȸ»ç

(03163) ¼­¿ï Á¾·Î±¸ Àλ絿±æ 12, 1111È£ (Àλ絿, ´ëÀϺôµù)
TEL : 02-720-1594 E-mail : knmd1594@daum.net
Copyright¨ÏKorean Society of Neuromuscular Disorders